Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I know there are many people who are standing with me in prayer. I know that there are many people are praying for this country. But sometimes I wonder how serious we are about this.

I started a Facebook group with regards to praying for this country. I also registered a comment on the South African group. And I invited people to the group.

A few people joined, mostly just my friends and family. But no-one really contributed to prayers.

What amazed me is more the hectic negativity that I got from posting a post on the South African group, slating prayer, attacking me to get off my bum and to do something, rather than think prayer could do it, slating God, laughing at my faith....

I wonder if that could be why we are not seeing the change in South Africa. Those that believe God can change things, are not really asking for it and those that don't vehemently oppose the notion of it.

I read somewhere that revival only comes when people are thirsting for revival and reminding God about it timely and untimely.... maybe that is what we need to do about the hurt in our society.

11 May is Pentecost and all Christians around the world have the chance to pray together. http://www.transformationafrica.org/. Let's get serious about praying against the crime in our country... and maybe then we'll stand amazed at God's results, not people's reluctance.