Friday, February 29, 2008

On the precipice...

For the first time in a very long time, South Africa is on the verge again. More of our friends than ever before is contemplating leaving the country and people are worried and talking about South Africa just becoming another failed African country.

We criticise the government for not doing enough about crime, our lives are all marred some way or another by the violence. With baited breath we watch the president of our country and the president of the ruling party be reckless with their power games. We sit in the dark, literally, and wonder where all of this is going to end.

Before the 1994 elections everyone wondered what would happen to our beloved country... and that's when we learnt to pray. And God faithfully answered!

Now at this time it seems that there is no-one that have the answers for the burning issues: crime, AIDS that's killing our people, investors being wary of a changing economy, the Rand going into freefall. But we as Christians do have the answer and this blog is a call to all Christians to pray to God to change our nation. My mom has said that we've had prayer days for peace, prayer days for rain, etc. etc., but we've never had a prayer day dedicated to ask God to let His Kingdom reign in this country, and to stand against crime that is straight from the pit of hell. It's time we get serious about praying and asking God for the miracles of healing and restoration we so desperately need.

If you look at the crime and lack of moral fibre in our society every single one of the ten commandments are being opposed by satan's forces every day. You may not murder (hijackings, armed robberies), you may not commit adultery (rape, sexual abuse, no monogamy), you may not covet (theft, corruption, fraud). Ultimately there is not one commandment that is kept. And it comes down to the question - who is god in our society?

This is not about politics, it's not about criticism. It is about repenting and asking God for His favour. It's about reclaiming this land as a miracle land and resisting the enemy in prayer. It's about wanting to make a difference, instead of just bitching and wanting to take the first trip out of here.

God says that He appoints leaders and our country needs Godly leaders. Isn't it time that we start praying diligently that justice will prevail.

Let's stand united in asking God on a daily basis for grace, for angels to fight the spiritual wars, for faithful people who will pray to God for this country, for answers to so many prayers. Let's unite as a nation and make prayer our priority.

I'll be blogging on a regular basis and I'd like to urge you to add comments every day or let me know if you would like to blog with me.

Let's call upon our friends to join the blog and the facebook group. Let's write down our prayers every day and let's see how God changes a nation, for which He has a great plan. Let's stand as people with hope, not despair, because we have a heavenly Father that cares. Let's watch in expectation because God can do what is impossible for man! God bless you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen & Amen! Let's do it!